30CrMoV9 DIN 1.7707 Nitriding Steel

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30CrMoV9 DIN 1.7707 Nitriding Steel

30CrMoV9 DIN1.7707 Nitriding Steel

30CrMoV9 DIN1.7707 Nitriding Steel

1. 1.7707 Application

EN 1.7707 steel is an alloy steel formulated for primary forming into wrought products. Cited properties are appropriate for the quenched and tempered condition. 1.7707 is the EN numeric designation for this material. 30CrMoV9 is the EN chemical designation. Structural parts of medium and large cross sections and high surface hardness, e.g., valve and gate valves, cylinders for combustion engines, superheated steam valves and fittings.

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2.All Grades Comparison

1.7707 30CrMoV9
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3.Quality Standard

EN 10250 Open steel die forgings for general engineering purposes. Alloy special steels

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4. 1.7707 Chemical Composition(%)

C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Mo V
0.26-0.34 0.40-0.70 0.40 max 0.035 max 0.035 max 2.30-2.70 0.60 max 0.15-0.25 0.10-0.20
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5.Mechanical Properties(T=20°C if not differently stated)

Process Diameter(mm) Tensile Strength Rm (Mpa) Yield Strength Rp0.2 (Mpa) Elongation A5 (%) Impact Value Kv (J) Room Temperature
QUENCHED AND TEMPERED 160 max 900 min 700 min 12 min 35 min
QUENCHED AND TEMPERED 160-330 800 min 590 min 14 min 35 min
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  • Soft Annealing: Heat to 680-720oC, cool slowly. This will produce a maximum Brinell hardness of 248.
  • Nitriding:
    Gas/plasma nitriding temperature (gas, salt bath): 570-580oC
    Gas/plasma nitriding temperature (powder, plasma): 580oC
    Surface hardness after nitriding: 800 HV
  • Hardening: Harden from a temperature of 850-880oC followed by oil quenching.
  • Tempering:Tempering temperature: 570-680oC.
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Hot forming temperature: 1050-850oC.

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8.Mill′s test certificate:

EN 10204/3.1 with all relevant data reg. chem. composition, mech. properties and results of testing.

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