1.2367 X38CrMoV5-3 Hot Work Die Steel

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1.2367 X38CrMoV5-3 Hot Work Die Steels

1.2367 X38CrMoV5-3 Hot Work Die Steels

1 1.2367 Properties:

1.2367 Chrome–molybdenum–vanadium steel for hardening in oil and in air with very good hardenability, high firmness during the heat and resistance to the tempering, very good toughness and plastic properties during normal and also higher temperatures. Further the steel has a very good resistance to tearing of thermal fatigue and low sensitivity to quick changes of temperature. This hot work die steel is appropriate for the heat treatment also for firmness over 1800 N/mm2 and for tools cooled by water. It is well-workable during the heat and well-workable in the soft-annealed state. At request it can also be delivered in ESR quality.

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2 1.2367 Applications:

Wear resisting tools, pressure die casting tools, pressing tools for light and heavy metal. For the highest requirements we recommend ESR or EFS quality.

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3 Quality Standard:

BS EN ISO 4957-2000 Tool steels

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4 All Grades Comparison:

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5 1.2367 Chemical Composition(%):

0.35-0.400.30-0.500.30-0.600.030 max0.030 max4.70-5.202.70-3.300.40-0.70

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FORGING: Hot forming temperature: 1080-900oC.

SOFT ANNEALING: Heat to 800-840oC, cool slowly in furnace. This will produce a maximum Brinell hardness of 235.

STRESS RELIEVING: Stress relieving to remove machining stresses should be carried out by heating to 650oC, holding for one hour at heat, followed by air cooling. This operation is performed to reduce distortion during heat treatment.

HARDENING: Harden from a temperature of 1030-1080oC followed by air, oil or warm bath (500-550oC) quenching. Hardness after quenching is 53-57 HRC.


Tempering Temperature (oC)Hardness (HRC)Tensile Stregth (N/mm2)

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7 Mill′s test certificate:

EN 10204/3.1 with all relevant data reg. chem. composition, mech. properties and results of testing.

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