1.7711 40CrMoV4-6 Alloyed Carbon Steel

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1.7711 40CrMoV4-6 Alloyed Carbon Steel

1.7711 40CrMoV4-6 DIN Alloyed Carbon Steel

1 1.7711 Introduction:

EN 1.7711 steel is an alloy steel formulated for primary forming into wrought products. 1.7711 is the EN numeric designation for this material. 40CrMoV4-6 is the EN chemical designation. It has a very low thermal conductivity among EN wrought alloy steels.

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2 1.7711 Application:

Staticaly and dymamicaly stressed components for vehicles, engines and machines, for parts of lager cross sections, gears, crankshafts. Hardness as surface hardened is more than 54 HRC.

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3 Quality Standard:

EN10269 Steels and Nickel Alloys for Fasteners with Specified Elevated and or Low Temperature Properties

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3 All Grades Comparison:

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4 1.7711 Chemical Composition(%):

0.36-0.440.45-0.850.40 max0.030 max0.030 max0.90-1.200.50-0.650.25-0.35

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5 Typical Mechanical Properties (Quenched and Tempered):

Dia Scope (mm)Tensile Strength Rm (Mpa)Yield Strength R2 (Mpa)Elongation (longitudinal direction) Al (%)Area Reduction Z (%)Impact Energy Joules (20°C) (KCV J)
100mm max850-1000700 min14 min45 min30 min
100mm-160mm850-1000640 min14 min45 min25 min

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  • Forging:Hot forming temperature: 1100-850oC.
  • Soft annealing:Heat to 650-730oC, cool slowly. This will produce a maximum Brinell hardness of 241.
  • Hardening:Harden from a temperature of 880-930oC followed by oil or water (conditional) quenching.
  • Tempering:empering temperature: 670-730oC.

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7 Mill′s test certificate:

EN 10204/3.1 with all relevant data reg. chem. composition, mech. properties and results of testing.

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