35NC6 FE-PL62 DIN 1.5815 35NiCr6 Steel

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35NC6 FE-PL62 DIN 1.5815 35NiCr6 Steel

35NC6 FE-PL62 DIN1.5815 35NiCr6 Steel

1. 1.5815 Description

Alloy special steel 35NiCr6 grade steel belongs to alloy steels for quenching and tempering. The material no. is 1.5815.

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2. 1.5815 Application

Steel for heat improvement characterized by high strength properties, good ductility, resistance to fatigue and impact. Used for heavy-duty parts of engines, devices and machines, used in the production of crankshafts, gears, shafts, piston rods, bolts, heat-treated gears and piston rods.

• Crankshafts.

• Shafts.

• Various gears.

• Fasteners etc

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3.All Grades Comparison

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3.Quality Standard

EN 10083 Steels for quenching and tempering. Technical delivery conditions for alloy steels

EN 10250 Open steel die forgings for general engineering purposes. Alloy special steels

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4. 1.5815 Chemical Composition(%)

0.30-0.370.60-0.900.40 max0.025 max0.025 max0.80-1.101.20-1.60

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5.Mechanical Properties(T=20°C if not differently stated)

ProcessDiameter(mm)Tensile Strength Rm (Mpa)Yield Strength Rp0.2 (Mpa)Elongation A5 (%)Area Reduction Ratio C (%)Impact Value Kv (J) Room TemperatureHardness (HB)
SOFT ANNEALED//////223 max
QUENCHED AND TEMPERED16 max880-1080740 min12 min40 min/261-318
QUENCHED AND TEMPERED16-40880-1080740 min12 min40 min35 min261-318
QUENCHED AND TEMPERED40-100780-980640 min15 min40 min35 min231-289

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ProcessTEMPERATURE °CCooling Medium
Hot plastic deformation850-1100/
Soft annealing640-690air

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7.Mill′s test certificate:

EN 10204/3.1 with all relevant data reg. chem. composition, mech. properties and results of testing.

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In the above-mentioned grades we deliver:

  • Hot-rolled, peeled, forged and drawn bars 35NiCr6, 36NiCr6, 35NC6, 1.5710, 1.5815
  • Forgings 35NiCr6, 36NiCr6, 35NC6, 1.5710, 1.5815

Other indications of grades and substitutes:

AISI 3140, SNC1, SNC236, 640M40, EN111, 35NC5, 35NC6, 35 NC 6, 30NC6, 30 NC 6, 1.5710, 1.5815, 36NICR6, 36 NICR 6, 35NICR6, 35 NICR 6, 36 NICR 6-4, 36NICR6-4, 35NI5CR2, CSN 16240, 40NICR6, 40 NICR 6, 1.5711.